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How to Complete Reading the Quran in 21 Days.

“Ramadan is the (month) in which the Quran was sent down, as a guide to mankind and a clear guidance and judgment (so that mankind will distinguish from right and wrong)” (2:183)
In honour and remembrance of that, some would devote time to complete reading and understanding the Quran during Ramadhan.  There are many other ways to complete reading the Quran during Ramadhan. Do what works for you. Below is my sharing on how to complete reading the Quran within 21 days.
Other than Tarawih, reading the Quran during Ramadhan is good. There are 30 juz with 6236 verses (ayat)  in the Quran. In 21 days, you need to read in average 300 verses, and allocate 4-5 hours a day, should you want to complete the Quran. This is assuming it takes 1 min to read a verse. Many can read a verse in less than 30 seconds.
1. How can you find 4-5 hours/day?
Whether or not you are working, you can find time within these slots
  • 75 mins after you have completed morning meal/sahur or after morning/Subuh prayers
  • 1 hour during lunch break hour or after Zhuhur/afternoon prayers
  • 1 hour after work or after Asar prayers
  • 45 mins between Maghrib and Isya prayers
  • 1 hour after Isya or tarawih prayers
2. What are the mediums to read the Quran?

Whether you choose to read the translation of the Quran or recite the Quran in Arabic, it does not really matter. Here are the medium you could use:
  • hard copy of the Quran
  • hard copy of the Quran with translation of your preferred language
  • digital version of the Quran when traveling or everyday reading on the move; web based sites like, app on electronic devices. Sometimes the digital version provides a translator and an audio reader. These functions can aid your reading and comprehension of the verses in the Quran
  • You can choose both, hardcopy and digital version of the Quran concurrently
I use multiple mediums to cross reference.
3. Here is a plan to complete the Quran in its entirety during Ramadhan
More verses are planned out the first few days and the number is reduced towards day 21. This is because many women tend to be busy towards the end of Ramadhan, plus women get a few days time off in a month.

May Allah accept our deeds, soften our hearts and grant us forgiveness. Have a bless Ramadhan!

Original post click here.


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