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Result dah keluar!!!!!

With greatest thanks I pray to Allah and I am very indebted for my better than expected result. You always granted what I asked for even though I've never been the best slave for you.
Thank you ibu and ayah you are my strongest pillar, when I had nothing, you were always there for me. I will never forget this ibu and ayah, I will strive to be the woman you always wanted me to be.
The people who knew better, my lecturers each and every single one, I owe you so much for all the troubles you got through to teach me. Sorry I indeed was and still is a troublesome student. You were my father and mother in Arau. You took care, you listened and you understand every single one of us and I am very much indebted to you. Your sacrifices were like no other and I promise I will use the knowledge you have given me for good cause (maybe for some naughty reason, but mostly good cause and insyaAllah not in a bad cause) 
I end this with much thanks to my best of best friend, esp Syafawani who have given me the best of motivation. I want you to know you have changed my future so much and I'm not shy to say that you're the best friend one has ever had. And to others I wont tag you here but you know you have my most sincere and greatest thanks. Thanks to all my batch mates for being there through and through brothers and sisters. Special thanks to Syafira my first friend of many. I had fun because of you sis, big-ass thanks for introducing me to everyone. Thanks everyone for the opening you made for me to fit in the herd. You guys were most kind to pick up the frequent phone calls from me to ask about things. ROTU friends, you guys rocked my world, to be honest I never mingled with crazies like you but I learned about perspectives indirectly that its best to be unique from every single one of you. I will never forget this.
Each one of you has inspired me in this long journey of life. I hope I have inspired you too. Thank you, again. 


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