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Here the story..
It begin like this..

There's a man who I never knew before. He likes me before we ever really know each other. However, we already engaged even though we rarely met nor contact each other. People keep questioning. I'm just 19, what makes me accept him ? Well, to be exact reason, it's my parents (family) choice. It's lie if I never had any conflicts about all those things. I did. I rejected him at first. Surprisingly he never gave up. He never really tell me that he likes me. But, he met my parents and that's the first time a man ever did it that way. Even though I rejected him at first, I couldn't found any major bad things in him. I'll just make an excuse, "I didn't have any feelings towards him" that typical teenagers thought of mine.

As time went by, He never gave up. So did my parents. My mum told me " This thing will make us happy, everyone will happy. InsyaAllah awak bahagia dunia dan akhirat." That sentence, made me realize, why shouldn't I give a chance. I did isthikarah prayer. And for the first time in my life. I told myself, if I make them happy, Allah will bless me and that's what makes me happy. Because I know, that's what exactly what I'll need. I told my mum I've agreed. I am too sure I'm doing the right thing and when I agreed. It's explainable, when your mum told you " Thank you, I'm so proud of you "

Today, we're engaged. Alhamdulillah. In a right way, didn't bercinta and everything is on the right track.

A nice man with good attitudes and good Muslim, for me. A man who never give up on me even though we rarely meet nor contact. No reason for me to say NO.

So how he proposed me ?

Assalamualaikum Dena,
Hope you like it. Listen, ummm. Tak lama lagi kita nak bertunang, insyaAllah. It is a big step, I know. Dan saya pun macam awak jugak nervous anxious. But HEY! It's not a bad thing pun kan? In fact benda baik. So apa2pun yang terjadi nanti percayalah yang something good will come after and you have your families and friends to support AND you also have ME.
yang comel, bergaya dan cantik. Disebalik kecomelan itu seorang yang taat pada Allah, Rasul dan kedua ibubapa, juga seorang yang setia dan sentiasa mengambil berat tantang sahabat2nya. Seorang yang kuat dan tabah tapi pada masa yang sama, seorang yang manja. And that is all the reason why I like you, adore you and I want to be with you till Jannah, insyaAllah.
So, Dena...
Sudiakah awak menjadi isteri saya yang sah? (cincin nanti claim hari sabtu)

Ehemm, so as a girl who never expect THAT to be asked by a man who I rarely know. Okay I never know how to explain the feeling of being proposed. Bercinta lepas kahwin must be much more awesome and full with barakah.

May Allah bless us,
Keep us on the track,
Give us the best Halal relationship,
till in Jannah, insyaAllah.

From Dena Bahrin video on Youtube ^^
gambar hiasan. dude dan alyssa


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