EP 53: Waiting For A Life Partner?I’ve gotten a lot of messages asking me to speak about finding a life partner (or the topic on “jodoh”) so here’s 5 lessons I learned while I was waiting for mine. As usual if this sharing has helped you, pass it on and share it forward!
Indeed true 👍
You don't have to wait until marriage to learn about ISLAM, strengthen your IMAN and better yourself.
You don't have to wait for 'oh bakal imamku' to lead the way either.
Yes we all fancy the idea of helping each other out, learning Deen together (duh?) but why wait when you are in the perfect state to do so right now?
What if your marriage never come, and Allah called us first?
You have been so lost in the obsession of 'bakal imamku' that you forget it is Allah who make that man appear or not.
It is Allah who knows whether you're going to get married or go back to Him first.
Matters become blurry because you don't seem to realize these facts.
Lets keep it straight together okay?
Everything else can wait, your relationship with Allah can't.
Reminding myself first and foremost of cz.